Locke & Key Wiki

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Locke & Key Wiki
Locke & Key Wiki
Locke & Key Wiki
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Eden Hawkins is a major antagonist in the first season of Netflix's adaptation of Locke and Key, and the secondary antagonist of its second season following possession by a demon. She is a student on the Matheson Academy and a close friend of Jackie's.


Attending Matheson Academy[]

During her middle school education, Eden befriended Jackie and her aunt eventually passed on.[1] A month later, she formed an antagonistic relationship with Kinsey, whom she considered her inferior. She is eventually humiliated by her rival when she and Gabe — actually Dodge in disguise — use one of the keys to humiliate her, which eventually goes viral, making Eden furious.[2]

Encounter with Kinsey's fear[]

Eden is scared when she opens her curtains to find a creature jumping out on her. She screams, however when she takes a second look, the creature is gone. When she arrives at school, she believes the whole ordeal to be Kinsey's fault and asks if she has nothing better to do. Eden warns her not to mess with her, however, Kinsey is confused.

Later that day, Eden approaches Kinsey and Tyler, angry about the incident that occurred that morning. Tyler initially believes Eden has found out about the music box incident, but it quickly becomes obvious to everyone that Kinsey is not responsible when the monster — which is actually Kinsey's fear — attacks Eden once again. They are able to fight it off, however, everyone is left shocked by the whole ordeal.

In the nurse's office, Eden questions what is going on, and Kinsey eventually reveals that the monster is Kinsey's fear and that it attacks anything that she is afraid of.[3]


Tyler and Kinsey call in backup to carry Dodge to the Drowning Cave, these include Gabe, Scot, Eden and Jackie. They carry the body to the caves, but Scot is worried about the tide situation, given what had previously happened with the Savini Squad. When they arrive at the Black Door, Kinsey changes her mind, believing that they are doing the wrong thing. Tyler reveals that they should hurry, given the tides are about to rise. They decide that the only option is to open the door, throw Dodge in and are eventually able to shut the door, locking it with the Omega Key. In a later flashback, it is revealed that Eden is hit with one of the demons' bullets while the Black Door is open.[4]

She acted as the demon's host and identity for months until the demon unleashed Frederick Gideon. The resurrected echo threw her headfirst into the well and disappeared into Matheson Academy, killing Eden.[5][6] Two months later, Gideon sends Ada Wheeler down the well where she finds Eden's corpse. Gideon has Ada search Eden's pockets and retrieve the Echo Key for him.[6]


Two months after her death, Kinsey mentions to Bode that Eden hasn't been seen in months and that her parents think that she ran away. As a result, Eden's parents have people searching for her.[6]

While investigating the bent bars from the Wheeler sisters breaking into the Wellhouse, Eden’s body is discovered by Kinsey in the well. Kinsey later shows a picture of Eden's body to the Savini Squad, but she isn't sure if it was Dodge who did it as it's hard to tell how long Eden has been dead. Kinsey refuses to call the cops as the discovery of Eden's body would turn Keyhouse into a crime scene. Instead, inspired by what the Keepers of the Keys did with their friends that were murdered by Dodge, Kinsey and the Savini squad decide to throw her body off of the cliffs near Keyhouse. They hold a brief memorial for her, singing "Hear You Me" and Kinsey voices her regret that Eden’s choice to help them resulted in her possession and death.[7]


As a teenage girl marked by gossip and cliquish snobbery, Eden looked down on a lot of students and this led to her antagonistic relationship with Kinsey. However, her dislike of her and her pessimism she frequently displayed around her wasn't exactly unjustified as seen when Kinsey and a disguised Dodge humiliated her at lunch or Kinsey's fear appeared at her windowsill and later mauled her. Apart from being conceited and contentious, however, Eden displays a more likeable side as shown when she's with her friends and seems to appreciate them and enjoy their company. Despite this, Jackie felt like their friendship was one-sided. She was known to find Tyler attractive, but not Brinker.


Season One
Season Two


  • To date, Eden has appeared in every episode except for Dissection.

